Psychiatry and the Pressure to Prescribe


This article discusses points made by Dr. Middleton, a British psychiatrist.  Dr. Middleton attended a conference in London on that had been organized by the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry in order to address the topic “The iatrogenic harm caused by the over-prescription of psychiatric medication.”

“Obviously there are those who think that what they do is appropriate and justified, but I would venture that many psychiatrists actually do what they do more often because they feel themselves to be powerless servants of wider social pressures, and would dearly like to be able to do it differently.”Dr. Middleton

The author contends some of Dr. Middleton’s points about how the drug-seeking position is difficult to shift. He suggests that for most psychiatrists, a “patient” returning at regular intervals for “med-checks” and refills is the ideal scenario. And that great deal more concern expressed about non-compliant “patients” than there is about those who adhere faithfully to the prescription and keep coming back for more.


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